Food For Acidity

Food For Acidity

April 12, 2023 0 By Lewys Huffman

Eating certain foods can reduce and control stomach acid production, which is essential for relieving heartburn symptoms.

Acid-forming foods include meats, poultry, fish, milk products and alcoholic beverages. Alkaline-forming foods on the other hand are low in acidity and can help regulate acid production.


Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, an electrolyte which helps regulate blood pressure and keep cellular water balance healthy. Furthermore, bananas contain fiber which aids digestion.

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium as well as antioxidants and vitamins C and B6. Furthermore, they contain prebiotics and probiotics which support gut health by encouraging digestion.

Bananas can be helpful for relieving heartburn symptoms since they coat your stomach lining with mucus to keep acid from getting back into your esophagus. Furthermore, bananas contain protease inhibitors which destroy certain bacteria present in the stomach.

At your local supermarket, you’re likely to come across a wide variety of bananas. Popular varieties include Cavendish, apple and green bananas; however for maximum nutritional value opt for low-alkalinity species like Burro bananas.


Oats are a popular food choice due to their nutritional content and versatility; they can easily be turned into an enjoyable breakfast. Oatmeal also contains fiber which may help alleviate acid reflux symptoms.

Oatmeal is an excellent source of vitamins E, copper, selenium and zinc – essential nutrients that support immunity. Furthermore, it contains beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber known to aid weight loss and suppress hunger cravings.

Oatmeals provide 14% of the daily recommended value for fiber, an essential nutrient for those with acidity. Plus, they’re high in protein which may help regulate appetite and prevent constipation.

Oatmeal comes in many varieties, such as oat groats, steel-cut oats, Scottish oats, rolled or old-fashioned oats and quick oatmeal. When choosing which type of oat you prefer for your health benefits, there are plenty of options to choose from:

Brown Rice

Brown rice has a subtle, nutty flavor that blends well with many dishes and is an excellent source of fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, its texture is slightly chewier than white rice for added convenience.

According to Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), cooked brown rice is packed with complex carbohydrates that are more nutritional than simple carbs like white flour. Furthermore, its low glycemic index may help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce diabetes risks for those at risk for it.

Eaten at any time of the day, this versatile grain can be paired with various foods like eggs, avocados and legumes. For a protein-packed breakfast bowl or soup with brown rice as its base, consider trying it!

Root Vegetables

Dieting with root vegetables has numerous health advantages, from reducing oxidative stress to preventing chronic disease. These nutritious veggies can help you reach optimal wellness.

Root veggies such as carrots, turnips, beets and parsnips come in a wide range of varieties and contain essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin C and manganese.

Rutabagas (a cross between turnips and cabbage) are an exciting vegetable to add to your plate! They can be mashed, baked or roasted and make great additions to soups.

Celeriac, commonly referred to as celery root, is a member of the same plant family as celery and can be added to salads or mashed with other veggies in place of potatoes. Furthermore, it provides an excellent source of Vitamin K which aids with blood clotting and bone health.

They are an excellent source of fiber, which helps regulate blood glucose levels and digestive health. Some even contain resistant starch – a complex carbohydrate that doesn’t break down easily in the gut – which provides nourishment to beneficial gut bacteria while encouraging short-chain fatty acid production.